Monday, 16 April 2007

Celebrate Spring

I've made a few cards over the last few days, but I'm still around ten short! I have a loooong list of cards to make, including thank you cards, new baby cards and birthday cards... and I'm running out of time. The Celebrate Spring card shown above is a Thank You card made for a friend. The background is embossed with one of the Cuttlebug embossing plates and the front ovals were cut with a Quickutz Revolution die.
I've been tidying in the garden today (with the help of my mum) and we've managed to clear some of the winter mess, weeds and dead leaves etc. I also managed to find time to relocate a Hebe plant to a flowerbed (it had long since outgrown its plant pot and its roots were completely squashed) and thereafter planted a new Twisted Hazel bush in the middle of the lawn. It has nice curly twigs!
The lawn is like a swamp (as a consequence of the fact that there is a concrete layer about one foot beneath the lawn - courtesy of the lazy builders who constructed the houses in this estate about fourteen years ago) and we can't cut the grass yet... which means it looks horrendous! The lawn is so wet that there are things which look like mini reeds growing at one end of the garden - not a good look! It looks like a proper pond or swamp. My feet sank in quite deeply when I tried to walk on it, although I guess there was no prospect of sinking more than a foot bearing in mind the concrete underneath. It's just as well the back garden is screened off from the front of the house or we'd be mortified by our urban swamp jungle! As it is, I suppose there's a bit of an "out of sight, out of mind" mentality. We need to do something about it, though - we're thinking about decking part of it. I also planted up the remaining two planters situated at the front door with two evergreens and some pansies for colour.

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